What’s included in your pregnancy photoshoot?

To be involved and able to take part in these special moments of your life is truly an honor!
I love telling the stories of Mamas awaiting the little tiny miracle in their bellies, be it the first time, second or tenth (Wow, kudos to you, if you can manage that!).

It is most important to me that Mum & Dad are feeling comfortable in front of the camera, which is why I try to give enough space and time for getting in different positions. As it can be stressful for the Mum and the Baby to move around too much or hold e.g. a standing position for a longer time, I try to switch it up a little and be done in one hour or so.

At the End of the Shoot, there should be more than enough photo-material for you to choose your favourite moments from. A few days after our session, you will receive a link with selected photographs. From these you can drop a heart on YOUR most cherished moments and after that I will start my final editing process. This can take up to three weeks, but hopefully I should be done before your little nugget has arrived.
There are three pre-build packages you can choose from:

10, 20 or 40 photographs to remember this magical time.

Since I just love love, I also LOVE when I can do something special for my clients! With your selected package you will get a download-link with your photos in the highest resolution, ten of MY favourite moments of our session together printed on fine-art photo paper and a personalized thank you note - all packaged very carefully by hand.

If you’d like more photos or one of my packages doesn’t really suit your needs, I am more than welcome to put together an individual offer for you. Best we meet for a cup of tea and talk everything over! Need any tips for your outfit choice? Don’t worry, I got you covered!

For the small and tiny moments and the very big emotions, I would love to be part of your journey and capture this wild time of your life!


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